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Dec 1, 2022

Tamara chats with Carol Marquis, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick (Maine). Carol shares information on the program, and how it empowers the potential of children. Find out how you can engage with the organization as volunteer, Big, donor or corporate sponsor. 


For more information...

Nov 23, 2022

Tamara chats with psycho-therapist Deborah Como-Kepler about the psychological benefits of dance, and her experience with dance therapy and most recently African Dance in Maine. 

Embody the Rhythm Dance Group

Referenced links:

Nov 16, 2022

Tamara chats with Sayon Camara from Guinea, West Africa about his drumming, workshops, journey and love for gardening. Sayon's wife Lev joins and talks about how they share his gift and the lessons and joy of dance and drumming with students of all ages. Sayon and Lev currently live in Bath, Maine.

Find more details at...

Nov 9, 2022

Tamara, beau Joe and friend Aarin chat about going to Salem, MA for Halloween night. They discuss this year's and previous costumes, share their personal relevant traditions, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Salem Halloween experience. Here are some of the resources and many, many...

Oct 25, 2022

This week, Tamara shares information on what three types of folks she helps via Public Speaking/Confidence Coaching. 

  • Those preparing to speak at large events. 
  • Those in leadership positions who are frequently called on to lead and/or speak in meetings and at small to medium events. 
  • EVERYONE who would like to be...